Laying the foundation
Base System
The absolute minimum set of packages required to install Arch Linux onto a machine is as follows:...
Time Zone & Locale
Time zone Create a symbolic link to your local time zone at /etc/localtime and sync the time with...
Set up the default host name of the machine as well as localhost: NOTE: sebin-desktop is used as ...
Root Password
Set the password for the root user: passwd This password schould differ from the regular user pa...
sudo is the standard tool for gaining temporary system administrator privileges on Linux to perfo...
zsh is a modern shell with lots of customizability and features. Install the following packages: ...
Add User
It is advised to add a regular user account for day to day usage. Add a new user, create a home d...
AUR Helper
An AUR helper is a tool that simplifies the process of procuring extra packages from the Arch Use...
The initramfs contains all the necessary programs and config files needed to bring up the machine...
The zram kernel module provides a compressed block device in RAM. If you use it as swap device, t...
Secure Boot
Secure Boot is a security feature found in the UEFI standard, designed to add a layer of protecti...
Boot Loader
systemd-boot systemd comes with systemd-boot already, so no additional packages need to be instal...