Recently Updated Pages
Secure Boot
Secure Boot is a security feature found in the UEFI standard, designed to add a layer of protecti...
Media Management
Rename photos based on EXIF metadata exiftool -d '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S.%%e' '-filename<EXIF:DateTime...
UT2004 (Atari DVD Release Version)
Install from the DVD. Navigate to the location the DVD was mounted at and run: sudo sh ./linux-in...
Install Wine to play (almost) any Windows game on Linux. For a compatibility list refer to Proton...
Sim City 3000
Widescreen hack Edit SC3U.exe with a hex editor and search for the following byte sequence: 8b 4c...
Graphics Cards
Drivers for hardware accelerated desktop rendering, improving performance and fidelity. The Linux...
Install Firefox via these packages (adjust for your desired locale): pacman -S firefox firefox-i1...
KDE Plasma
Base KDE Plasma packages for the full Plasma experience. Bundle with other packages to prevent pa...
Fonts in GNOME Flatpak apps are not anti-aliased on non-GTK desktops
Under Wayland GNOME apps get their anti-aliasing settings from XDG Portals. To make fonts look ni...
Boot Loader
systemd-boot systemd comes with systemd-boot already, so no additional packages need to be instal...