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Secure Boot
Secure Boot is a security feature found in the UEFI standard, designed to add a layer of protecti...
Media Management
Rename photos based on EXIF metadata exiftool -d '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S.%%e' '-filename<EXIF:DateTime...
UT2004 (Atari DVD Release Version)
Install from the DVD. Navigate to the location the DVD was mounted at and run: sudo sh ./linux-in...
Install Wine to play (almost) any Windows game on Linux. For a compatibility list refer to Proton...
Sim City 3000
Widescreen hack Edit SC3U.exe with a hex editor and search for the following byte sequence: 8b 4c...
Graphics Cards
Drivers for hardware accelerated desktop rendering, improving performance and fidelity. The Linux...
Install Firefox via these packages (adjust for your desired locale): pacman -S firefox firefox-i1...
KDE Plasma
Base KDE Plasma packages for the full Plasma experience. Bundle with other packages to prevent pa...
Fonts in GNOME Flatpak apps are not anti-aliased on non-GTK desktops
Under Wayland GNOME apps get their anti-aliasing settings from XDG Portals. To make fonts look ni...
Boot Loader
systemd-boot systemd comes with systemd-boot already, so no additional packages need to be instal...
The initramfs contains all the necessary programs and config files needed to bring up the machine...
For audio handling on Linux, PipeWire is the currently recommended framework. PipeWire is a serve...
Set up the default host name of the machine as well as localhost: NOTE: sebin-desktop is used as ...
Time Zone & Locale
Time zone Create a symbolic link to your local time zone at /etc/localtime and sync the time with...
Base System
The absolute minimum set of packages required to install Arch Linux onto a machine is as follows:...
Encrypt non-root devices (LUKS)
If you have more than one hard disk that you need to encrypt (e.g. SSD as main disk, HDD as data ...
LUKS on LVM (encrypted, cached, Desktop)
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) is the standard for Linux hard disk encryption. By providing a sta...
LVM on LUKS (encrypted, Laptop)
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) is the standard for Linux hard disk encryption. By providing a sta...
LVM + dm-cache (unencrypted)
LVM dm-cache is a feature of the Linux device mapper, which uses a fast storage device to boost d...
Singular file system (LUKS, encrypted)
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) is the standard for Linux hard disk encryption. By providing a sta...