Recently Updated Pages
Singular file system
The simplest, most basic partitioning scheme in any Linux operating system consists of 3 partitio...
Booting the installation medium
ATTENTION: The Arch Linux installation medium does not support Secure Boot. You will have to disa...
Install the following packages to enable Bluetooth functionality and the necessary tools to contr...
Understanding Linux file systems
Linux supports a number of different file systems with different sets of features and intended us...
Extra: Installing via SSH
WARNING: Only do this in a trustworthy network environment, e.g. at home, to prevent the possibil...
INFO: This is a shortened version of the Arch Wiki installation guide. Download an ISO from the A...
Install DOSBox Staging for a more enhanced DOS gaming experience: yay -S dosbox-staging General ...
Universial 2nd Factor (U2F)
Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) is an open standard that strengthens and simplifies two-factor authent...
sudo is the standard tool for gaining temporary system administrator privileges on Linux to perfo...
Reset sudo password
By default, the Steam Deck's deck user has no password set. In order to do some customization tas...
Additional Packages
Additional packages one might find useful to have installed on their system File System Utilities...
Python Applications Stop Working
After a new minor release of Python (e.g. 3.9 -> 3.10) some Python packages from the AUR might st...
The popular game distribution platform and library management client from Valve. NOTE: activate t...
Restore Secure Boot Keys, Bootloader, LUKS TPM Key after Firmware update
After a firmware upgrade the firmware settings might get reset to their default values, including...
WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module during initrd generation
During initrd generation mkinitcpio might output the following messages: ==> Starting build: '6.2...
Discover does not offer system package updates
Sometimes Discover fails to delete the lockfile for PackageKit. In this case, delete the lockfile...
Filesystem Hierarchy
The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is a set of guidelines that define the directory structur...
Basic Commands Overview
Command Description Package base64 base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output ...
Plymouth replaces boot messages with a pretty splash screen. Installation yay -S plymouth ttf-dej...
Apostrophe is a simple and distraction-free Markdown editor with a minimalistic interface, live p...