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Additional Packages

ExtraFile System Utilities



File systemPackageCreation commandDescription
Btrfsbtrfs-progsmkfs.btrfsBtrfs filesystem utilities
VFATdosfstoolsmkfs.fatDOS filesystem utilities
exFATexfatprogsmkfs.exfatexFAT filesystem userspace utilities for the Linux Kernel exfat driver
F2FSf2fs-toolsmkfs.f2fsTools for Flash-Friendly File System Support(F2FS)
ext2/ext3/ext4pacmane2fsprogs mkfs.ext2/mkfs.ext3/mkfs.ext4 Ext2/3/4 f2fs-filesystem utilities
HFS/HFS+hfsprogs (AUR)mkfs.hfsplusUser space utils to create and check Apple HFS/HFS+ filesystem
JFSjfsutilsmkfs.jfsJFS filesystem utilities
NILFS2nilfs-utilsmkfs.nilfs2A log-structured file system supporting continuous snapshotting
NTFSntfs-3gmkfs.ntfsNTFS filesystem driver and utilities
ReiserFSreiserfsprogsmkfs.reiserfsReiserfs utilities
UDFudftoolsmkfs.udfLinux tools gpartfor jfsutilsUDF mtoolsfilesystems nilfs-utilsand nfs-utilsDVD/CD-R(W) ntfs-3gdrives
XFSxfsprogs mkfs.xfs XFS filesystem utilities

System Info Tools


pacmanlshw A lshwsmall tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine
fwupd Simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware
power-profiles-daemon Makes power profiles handling available over D-Bus
htop Interactive process viewer
radeontopView AMD GPU utilization for total activity percent and individual blocks
man-dbA utility for reading man pages
libimobiledevice Library to communicate with services on iOS devices using native protocols





yayaegisub A aegisubgeneral-purpose audacioussubtitle editor with ASS/SSA support
amberolPlays music, and nothing else
blanket Improve focus and increase your productivity by listening to different sounds
handbrake Multithreaded video transcoder
makemkv DVD libdvdcssand Blu-ray to MKV converter
mediainfo-gui DVD and Blu-ray to MKV converter
tube-converterAn easy-to-use video downloader



yayapostrophe A apostrophedistraction free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux made with GTK+
visual-studio-code-bin Editor for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications

Misc Tools


yayimpression A etcherstraight-forward modern application to create bootable drives.
p7zip Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio
teamviewer All-In-One Software for Remote Support and Online Meetings

Extra Firmware

NOTE: These messages just inform about active kernel modules that necessitate firmware to operate associated hardware properly, which was not found. If your systems operates as expected with the default firmware package you don't need this.

To get rid of Possibly missing firmware for module: $MODULE warning messages when rebuilding the initrd:


NOTE:install Thethis firmwaremeta forpackage qat_4xxxfrom isthe not yet publicly available.AUR:

yay -S aic94xx-mkinitcpio-firmware wd719x-firmware upd72020x-fw