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Timeshift is a backup and restore tool utilizing either rsync or btrfs snapshots. Installation WARNING: Timeshift's btrfs mode is limited to an "Ubuntu-style" subvolume layout, i.e. only @ and @home subvolumes can be present. Install Timeshift from the AUR: ya...
Graphics Cards
Drivers for hardware accelerated desktop rendering, improving performance and fidelity. The Linux graphics stack consists of several components, but the main component is the mesa package. Manufacturer OpenGL Vulkan Video acceleration Intel mesa vulkan-...
For audio handling on Linux, PipeWire is the currently recommended framework. PipeWire is a server and user space API that provides a platform to handle multimedia pipelines. It is a modern, low-latency audio and video server designed to work with the latest a...
Install the following packages to enable Bluetooth functionality and the necessary tools to control them: pacman -S bluez bluez-utils Enable the systemd unit to initialize Bluetooth during boot: systemctl enable bluetooth Game Controllers Some game controlle...
Install the following packages for printer support: pacman -S cups logrotate system-config-printer Enable the following systemd units to initialize the printing system during boot: systemctl enable cups systemctl enable logrotate.timer
Install Firefox via these packages (adjust for your desired locale): pacman -S firefox firefox-i18n-de Wayland Wayland is not yet the default display manager for Firefox (it falls back to XWayland on Wayland). To force Firefox to use Wayland you can set the M...
Google Chrome
Install Google Chrome from AUR: yay -S google-chrome Tweaks To enable hardware accelerated video decoding (with open source drivers) create a file at ~/.config/chrome-flags.conf and add the following line in it: --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder Additional...
Spell checking
Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library used by Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium, LibreOffice and more. Install the following packages to enable system-wide spell checking and hyphenation support (add languages for hunspell and hyphen at y...
Add User
It is advised to add a regular user account for day to day usage. Add a new user, create a home directory, add them to the wheel group, set their default shell to zsh: useradd -mG wheel -s /bin/zsh sebin Set a password for the new user: passwd sebin
AUR Helper
An AUR helper is a tool that simplifies the process of procuring extra packages from the Arch User Repository. yay Install base-devel packages, git and go: pacman -S base-devel git go Switch to any regular user: su sebin Make sure we're in the user's home di...
Time Zone & Locale
Time zone Create a symbolic link to your local time zone at /etc/localtime and sync the time with the local hardware clock: ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime hwclock --systohc Localization Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment en_US.UTF-8 U...
Set up the default host name of the machine as well as localhost: NOTE: sebin-desktop is used as an example here. Set $HOSTNAME to whatever you like. # Define an environment variable containing the desired hostname export HOSTNAME='sebin-desktop' # Set the ho...
The initramfs contains all the necessary programs and config files needed to bring up the machine, mount the root file system and hand off the rest of the boot process to the installed system. It can be further customized with additional modules, binaries, fil...
zsh is a modern shell with lots of customizability and features. Install the following packages: pacman -S zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting Package Description zsh-autosuggestions Suggests com...
sudo is the standard tool for gaining temporary system administrator privileges on Linux to perform administrative tasks. This eliminates the need to change the current user to root to perform these tasks. To allow regular users to execute commands with elevat...
The zram kernel module provides a compressed block device in RAM. If you use it as swap device, the RAM can hold much more information but uses more CPU. Still, it is much quicker than swapping to a hard drive. If a system often falls back to swap, this could ...
Root Password
Set the password for the root user: passwd This password schould differ from the regular user password for security reasons. In the case of system recovery operations the root user comes into play, e.g. when the kernel fails to mount the root file system or s...
Help scientists studying Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and SARS-CoV-2 by simply running a piece of software on your computer. Add your computer to a network of millions of others around the world to form the world's largest distributed supercomputer....
Emoji Fonts pacman -S noto-fonts-emoji Asian Language Fonts pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts
Fundorte aller 50 Rote Juwelen 💎 Südcap 01: Im Keller von Lance' Haus, versteckt in einem Topf 02: Bei der Glocke auf dem Dach der Kirche 03: Im Topf des Fischers (Bei dem Versteck der Freunde einfach solange rein und rausgehen bis der Fischer mit dem Topf...